Redeem Gift Card For One Person
Choose this option to redeem a gift card for one person or if you won a giveaway contest!! Please come to the appointment without makeup on and wear a light color solid neutral top.
Choose this option to redeem a gift card for one person or if you won a giveaway contest!! Please come to the appointment without makeup on and wear a light color solid neutral top.
Use this option if you are using a gift card for 2 people to come together.
$50.00 deposit required
1.5 hours $250 Color analysis is about finding the colors that make your skin , hair, and your eyes “glow”! After the analysis , you will know your best hair color, Lipstick colors, and the colors of the clothes closest to your face. Price includes swatch wallet to take with you.
$100.00 deposit required
"Friends that Style Together, Smile Together" ! 2 plus people up to max of 4 people. $225 each person. Bring a few friends, family or co-workers together for a group analysis . It is a fun way to get together and learn something very valuable to everyone.
$150.00 deposit required
"Friends that Style Together, Smile Together" ! 2 plus people max of 4 people. $200 Bring a few friends, family or co-workers together for a group analysis . It is a fun way to get together and learn something very valuable to everyone. Price includes swatch wallet to take with you.